Gracie Press







Program overview
We're intrigued by the controversy surrounding mass immigration, styled on the right as "replacement". The purpose of this Program is to dig into the topic, and deepen our collective understanding.

We're embarking on a project of pamphlet writing, podcast production, media critique and community forum creation. Through this process, we may trend towards affirmation of our initial biases, or suasion away from them. Here's our Gracie pledge to you: we'll debate any published author to uncover the real story.

Our strategy for "being right" is simple: just seek truth. If you're right, then something magic happens: we adopt your position. We're persuaded! Through direct challenge, we can reach the edge of human understanding together.

(1) Autochthony matters
(2) American antipatterns
(3) Privatize immigration

(1) The vocab missing from the current immigration debate is autochthony (aww-tok-thuh-knee). It essentially means "continuous habitation". There are social equities associated with long geographic lineages. A key test of autochthony is purity. Being "all-in" to a particular country. Not having relatives from or ties to any other country.

As for immigration itself, we're not failing to integrate immigrants. We're failing to integrate ideas. The economic argument is top-down, numerical, quantitative, theoretical and abstract. The social story is bottom-up, narrative, qualitative, experiential and anecdotal. We needn't shout louder like the playground. We need harmonize our voices like the choir.

When economic planners surge immigrants into an autochthonous community, they fail to account for these equities. The result is massive opportunity for the right.

Every instance of streetcrime becomes a new rallying cry. Everyone places their bets, hoping the assailant will be unmasked as this or that race. Assuming folks even wait. An exciting new genre of clickbait online is to simply invent a name and "scoop" the network. These shambles will last until leaders level with their people.

(2) Europe suffers from mimicry of American. What they fail to understand is that American multiculturalism has less to do with immigrants than freedmen. And freedmen, the African Americans, enjoy autochthony in the US.

When Trump hypes the Central Park 5, the public thinks many dark thoughts. None of them are "send them back to Africa". When the same thing happens in Europe, the conversation immediately turns to mass expulsion. And before any American reader gets too proud, recall our treatment of the Japanese versus the Germans in WW2. We interned them, then we nuked them. That's because Japanese don't have founding equity in the US, unlike the white/protestant Germans.

Europeans are copying the US' approach to immigrants, and are shocked to find it doesn't work . They should focus on themselves, and do what works for them. For migrant communities therein, we wish for them clarity. To not get bait and switched by intrawhite flame wars. It's a big world out there. Everyone needs clear rules.

(3) Companies have culture just like countries. And they're shameless about policing it. Should governments turn immigration filtering over to the private sector.

One proven model is Dubai. To get into Dubai, you need a job. If you get fired, you gotta go. The employer then acts as the filter. Did the candidate prove an idiot or psychopath? Too bad, they're fired. And if they're fired, they're gone. Left-leaning sympathy for the downtrodden is admirable. It's best expressed in a *functional* immigration regime. A dysfunctional regime inevitable degrades into fodder for Nazism.

Guest worker and work-to-stay models address a more economic dimension. Marriage can provide another selector. College and arts fellowships can do selection in non-profit areas of learning and creativity. The point is all common folk, native and migrant, suffer from wide-open gates. Some billionaire fatcats may profit from the addition of dumb-warm bodies. And to the extent they're pressing the scales, left and right movements should align on common sense reforms. The left must be called upon to reckon with the burden of history. Altruism won't end well here.

Investigating a title focusing on comparative transatlantic multiculturalism. Upon publication, it will be available via Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks.

Currently researching podcast guests for this topic. If you're an author and you find this program first, please hit us at for dates.

Reviews of key ecosystem content will appear here. Emphasis on key posts and pods.

When the time is right, we'll stand up some online fora to unlock dialog among audience members. Links will be listed here. We may invest in Discord, or something more decentralized.