Gracie Press






Investor accreditation

Program overview
Governments really put the "block" in blockchain. By perpetuating stale accreditation rules, they're severly kneecapping the promise of this new technology to lubricate the issuance and trading of new assets. The purpose of this Program is to dig into the topic, and deepen our collective understanding.

We're embarking on a project of pamphlet writing, podcast production, media critique and community forum creation. Through this process, we may trend towards affirmation of our initial biases, or suasion away from them. Here's our Gracie pledge to you: we'll debate any published author to uncover the real story.

Our strategy for "being right" is simple: just seek truth. If you're right, then something magic happens: we adopt your position. We're persuaded! Through direct challenge, we can reach the edge of human understanding together.

Economic apartheid

The good deals are private. Accreditation prevents blockchain-based tokenization from empowering regular folks. It should be trivial for firms to issue equity tokens instead of gimmicky loyalty points, right down to your local coffee shop or taco truck.

It's true scams can happen, but market mechanisms can emerge to ameliorate that. This may include critics, rating agencies and new investment banks devoted to the marketing of such assets.

Investigating a title exploring the opportunity cost of the current accreditation regime. Upon publication, it will be available via Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks.

Currently researching podcast guests for this topic. If you're an author and you find this program first, please hit us at for dates.

Reviews of key ecosystem content will appear here. Emphasis on key posts and pods.

When the time is right, we'll stand up some online fora to unlock dialog among audience members. Links will be listed here. We may invest in Discord, or something more decentralized.