Gracie Press







We're intrigued by the controversy surrounding UAP/UFO ('aerial phenomena'/'flying objects'). The purpose of this Program is to dig into the topic, and deepen our collective understanding.

We're embarking on a project of pamphlet writing, podcast production, media critique and community forum creation. Through this process, we may trend towards affirmation in our initial biases, or suasion away from them. Here's our Gracie pledge to you: we'll debate any published author to seek the truth.

Our strategy for "being right" is simple: just seek truth. If you're right, then something magic happens: we adopt your position. We're persuaded! Through direct challenge, we can hold the edge of human understanding.

Many miss the point. Here it is: if they can come here, we can go there.

Weinstein was once asked if Putin was worse than Genghis Khan. He replied an emphatic yes. Why?, his interlocutor inquired. Because the weapons are so much more deadly. Khan couldn't kill the world.

And so, it's not about nerds geeking out over flying saucers. It's about bailing outta here. If that's the case, arrivals from abroad provide critical acceleration to our own interstellation.

Coming soon. Titles will be listed here, along with their stage of development. Upon publication, will be available via Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks.

Coming soon. Episodes will be listed here, along with their stage of development. Upon release, will be available on YouTube.

Coming soon. Reviews of key ecosystem content. Emphasis on podcast episodes.

Coming soon. Online fora will be listed here, along with stage of development. Discord and Reddit spaces are planned, though more modern, and potentially decentralized solutions are under consideration.