Gracie Press






What's Gracie Press?
An integrated multimedia channel emphasizing rigorous debates among published authors.

What's your mission?
To port the famous Gracie Challenge to media. We proffer a very simple challenge: time permitting, we'll debate any published author.

What if you're defeated?
The best thing that could happens, because it shows our earlier position was misinformed, or ill-considered. We may seek rebuttal and rematch after research. If no rebuttal, then we switch sides! We happily adopt the position of our interlocutor. We have only one concern: what's true.

How do you work?
We start with policy portals reflecting each major editorial orientation. Within a given portal, we present a mix of original and third party content reflecting our furthest understanding of the issue. First party productions include pamphlets and podcast episodes. We will also sometimes standup community areas, including message boards and chatrooms. These spaces let fans converge, and post a range of third party resources.

What's an example?
We have a portal focusing on the 2nd Amendment. It will eventually contain pamphlets distributed via kindle, podcast episodes distributed via youtube, and community spaces hosted on discord, reddit and beyond.

How do you arrive at these portals?
We broadly divide our approach into spice and sport. Spicy topics reflect our particular perspective and vision. It's the subject matter on which we have differentiated views. Sporty topics fall outside our particular purview, but about which we remain curious.

What's your overall bias?
If you peruse our /portals, you'll notice them segmented into three distinct areas. We mark most portals as either left or right-aligned. For topics that lean libertarian ,or connect to both tendencies, we label them lib/dual/unaligned.

I'm an avid creator/debater. How can I collaborate with y'all?
Awesome! Please reach out to