Gracie Press






Debate needs to evolve to reflect GPT technology. We can now fact-check in realtime, which imbues debate content with 10x more "calories" per minute.

Currently, if a false premise gets marbled in, the whole content is often invalidated.

Even if we only enforce standards for simple and fully established facts, like dates and numbers, that leads to massive improvement in quality.

Gracie does three things differently:

In the end, debate is a form of computation. Rather than running in circles due to deception/misspeech, the Gracie model propels discussions forward.

Implementation today is largely manual. With the aid of AI, we eventually hope to deliver automated Gracie moderation to anyone, anywhere.

As always, the Gracie Media Challenge applies. We'll debate any published author. If proven wrong, we adopt our interlocutor's position and make it our own. We have no fixed ideology. We want to find out what's true.